Ekuiti Nasional Bhd (Ekuinas) aims to help 30 small and medium Bumiputera entrepreneurs via ILTIZAM Catalyst, a new entrepreneurship development programme to guide and help strengthen core businesses to empower them to compete in the local and global markets.
Ekuinas director of stakeholder affairs Hizwani Hassan said RM850,000 has been allocated for this pilot programme with each selected entrepreneur receiving technical assistance and guidance of up to RM25,000.
“Entrepreneurs who have been selected will receive technical assistance and guidance to develop skills and knowledge in four main business cores, namely finance and professional governance, branding and digital marketing, application and use of technology and leadership.
“Efficiencies in these four core areas will arch the gaps and strengthen business capacity, which will assist entrepreneurs to almanac acceptable abiding development and enhance their competitiveness,” he answered at the ILTIZAM Catalyst media briefing today.
ILTIZAM Catalyst is a new entrepreneurship programme under ILTIZAM, the accumulated amusing albatross arm of Ekuinas which is a government private disinterestedness armamentarium administration company.
Since 2012, ILTIZAM has auspiciously helped nearly 4,000 Bumiputera entrepreneurs to advance and aggrandize their businesses.
Hizwani answered applications to accompany ILTIZAM Catalyst are accessible to entrepreneurs in all business sectors above the country and participants will be guided amid three and six months to advance their operational and agenda capabilities to actuate them to their degree appearance of growth.
“We will assist body operational ability and abilities in the core business areas via training, guidance, abetment and mentoring from industry experts.
“They will abide concrete advice sessions for nine days, participate in three online assist sessions and accomplish per month advance submissions for three months,” he said.
Among the criteria to participate in the programme includes the following: the business has to be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia; has an annual company income of between RM300,000 and RM1 million for the latest two financial years; and at least 51 percent Bumiputera shareholding.
He answered that 100 entrepreneurs are interested to participate in the programme.
Applications to accompany the programme can be done at https://catalyst.ekuinas.com.my/