Agrobank’s AAA Rating Affirmed With Stable Outlook

MARC Ratings has affirmed its financial institution rating of AAA on Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad (Agrobank). Concurrently, the rating agency has also affirmed its rating of AAAIS on Agrobank’s Islamic Medium-Term Notes Programme. The ratings outlook is stable.

MARC said the ratings reflect of a very high probability of government support for Agrobank. This is based on the government’s full ownership of Agrobank and the bank’s policy role as an integral part of the government’s agricultural development strategy. Agrobank is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia and has its activities guided by policies set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security. As at end-2023, 44.6% of the bank’s funding was sourced from the government and government-related entities.

As a development financial institution (DFI), Agrobank has a narrow business model in keeping with its policy role. Financing mainly comprises agricultural and agricultural-related financing within various economic sectors including manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, as well as personal financing extended to those associated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security or operating within agriculture-designated areas managed by the Federal Land Development Authority.

Agrobank’s gross impaired financing ratio stood at 7.4% as at end-2023, largely unchanged from the 7.3% as at end-2022. MARC Ratings notes the bank’s high proportion of lower-risk personal financing, of which payments are deducted at source. Nevertheless, asset-quality downside risk remains as the bank still has approximately RM2.8 billion or 19% of its total financing under relief measures as at end-2023, albeit lower than the RM3.7 billion (26%) in 2022.

In terms of profitability, Agrobank’s net financing income increased by 3.7% y-o-y to RM765.0 million in 2023, supported by a steady 3.9% net financing margin and a 4.9% financing growth during the year. The bank also posted higher net profit of RM160.1 million in 2023 (2022: RM117.2 million) on lower financing impairment charges and the absence of Cukai Makmur. As at end-2023, core capital ratio and risk-weighted capital ratio stood at 19.8% and 24.7%. MARC Ratings views Agrobank’s capitalisation as adequate, considering the bank’s higher-risk profile being intrinsic to its development mandate, and the relatively moderate financing loss coverage of 59.3% as at end-2023.

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