ITMAX System Berhad announced its result for the second quarter recording a 59.7% growth in revenue, reaching RM53.2 million compared to Q2FYE2023. The Group’s profit before tax and profit after tax and minority interest (“PATAMI”) were RM25.6 million and RM19.2 million respectively, which translated to an increase of 36.2% and 27.2%.
For the cumulative 6 months revenue jumped 45.7% to RM99.1 million, as compared to 1HFYE2023. The Group’s PBT and PATAMI were RM49.1 million and RM37.2 million respectively, marking a growth of 25.6% and 22.8%. The Group’s supply, installation and maintenance services segment reported a 155.5% increase in revenue, thus accounted for 51.6% of the overall 1HFYE2024 revenue.