5 Tips for Storytelling to Tell Your Business Story

(photo credit: Second Nature)

The importance of storytelling in business as it is a potent business tool and a skill that should be mastered if you want to build a powerful and lasting brand.

Convey a story of your product so that it appeals to your audience. Stories can be incorporated into all forms of content e.g. blogs, “About Us” page to captivate your audience. The value of storytelling can be transferred to other departments to grow your business.

A business with great storytelling can do wonders, namely, by creating a vigorous marketing strategy, by turning a brand into a legacy, generate profit and win the loyalty and affection of audiences, to name just a few.

(Photo credit: UX Collective)

Here is a quick list of tips to help your storytelling skill:-

1.       Start your story in the middle. Life happens in chronological order. But your story doesn’t have to sound boring. Start your story in the middle where things are exciting and your story may capture the attention and interest of your audience.

2.       Give your audience what matters. Give 3 to 4 points and don’t cram unnecessary information in. Bring the key things to the top.

3.       Every story needs the 5Cs namely, circumstances, curiosity, characters, conversations, and conflict.

4.       Spark the emotional side of your audience’s brain. When crafting a story, Bates recommends thinking about what emotion you want to communicate and then provide information to provide the emotion.

5.       Your story should relate to your audience and contain no elements of bragging – as humans we relate to failures because we all are flawed. Your message is in your mess.

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