Hold on Tight for Rotterdam Rooftop Walk

Between May 26 to June 24, during Rotterdam’s annual Architecture Month, visitors will get a chance to experience the city’s roofscape and cityscape through air bridges connecting rooftops!

If you’re a fan of city views, then you’re in luck as next year’s edition of Rotterdam Rooftop Days will bring a unique experience: an air route connecting different rooftops within the city centre and iconic buildings on the Coolsingel.

The event will feature some of Rotterdam’s 18 km of roofscape, with low admission prices for adults and free admission for children!

Experience the latest innovations

During the month-long event, not only you’ll walk between clouds, but you’ll also take a trip to the future.

The walk will highlight the latest and greatest rooftop innovations from companies and NGOs and how they fit in the city’s future. From green roofs technology, energy transition, water retention, and utilising rooftops as public spaces — you name it.

A swirl of art and technology

In a perfect blend between arts and sciences, the city of Rotterdam along with the event’s contributors hope to manifest their vision for the city’s rooftops, especially the unused spaces, as they aim to take advantage of their roofscape as fully and efficiently as possible.

In the eyes of the organizers, this programme will address and work towards a resolution for some of the challenges that await urban areas like Rotterdam in the future.

For example, shielding inhabitants from the effects of climate change and creating safe and vibrant public spaces in ever-crowding areas.

(Article attributed: Dutch Review)

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