Things You Need To Know Before Entering The Ballot Hall

On November 19, Malaysians will be heading to the polls to cast their votes.

Here are some things you need to keep in mind before heading out to vote!

Bring your IC (MyKad)

Officials at the voting station will first check your identification to confirm you are a Malaysian citizen. Always carry your MyKad in its original form, not a photocopy.

Leave your phones at home or in your car

With the new rules this GE15 regarding phone usage at polling centres stating that voters are not allowed to use their phones and are required the hand their respective phones to the officers in charge and to collect it after they have cast their votes.

Avoid wearing clothings that represent political parties

Wearing any clothing items that represent any political parties are strictly prohibited as those who do wear it will be fined heavily.

Do not wear nail polish

Do not wear nail polish as you will need to dip your finger in ink afterwards.

Double-check your ballot paper

Each ballot paper bears a verified stamp as well as a serial number. Check that your ballots are not torn, poorly printed, or wrongly marked.

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