What to do if Your Car is Submerged in Flood Water

With floods now massively affecting hundreds and thousands of Malaysians, what do you do if your car has been submerged in water? Follow these steps according to Carsome and let’s hope the whole process will be easy and not worrisome for you.

Check the Water Level 

The first thing you need to do if your car is submerged in flood water is to wait for the water to recede before checking the condition of your car. Flood water usually leaves traces of mud on the surface of your car, especially on the exterior. Checking this is important to assess the possibility of damage and determine whether the flood water has submerged the entire car and has entered the engine and other parts of the car.

Do Not Start Your Engine 

If a flood has submerged your entire car including the cabin and engine bay, never start your car’s engine because that can cause a short circuit. Major components such as engines and gear systems can be damaged by the water. All you need to do is to remove the battery of your car and call a mechanic or tow it to a workshop.

Check the Engine & Gearbox 

Once your car is at the workshop, check the engine and the gearbox. Start by checking the dipstick of your engine. If the fluid appears milky, diluted, or beige in color, it’s highly likely that your engine has been flooded. exceeds the maximum line, this means your engine has been flooded. You can also drain the engine and inspect the oil in a pan.

Flush the Fuel (If Needed)

If the fuel tank is positioned on the lower side of your car, it increases the probability of flood water entering the tank. You then should remove the fuel that has been mixed with water to avoid more serious damage to your engine. Do check with your mechanic on how this process should be done.

Remove and Dry the Components of Your Car 

Any removable components in the car such as the radio, mats, and seats should be removed and dried properly. Wash your car with a heavy jet, especially the engine and brakes. However, never spray water towards the air filter holes and lubricating oil lids. Additionally, clean the dirt on the interior of your car like the cushions to avoid any kind of nasty odor. 

Cleaning a flood-damaged car is a huge task and best left to the professionals. You can get advice from your workshop, professional car wash, or professional cushion cleaner to get this job done effectively.

We hope this article will be able to help you if you ever have to drive your car in flood waters. Do remember it’s always safer to leave your car if the flood starts to get worse as your life is much more important to us. If there is a need to drive in the rain, it would be best to check the map app on your phone such as Google Maps or Waze to determine if it’s safe to drive.

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