A Workplace That Prioritises Employees Can Minimise Sick Leave, Says Employment Hero

Commenting on the recent statement by the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) on ‘sick days costing employers RM 5.05bil last year’, Alex Hattingh, Chief People Officer at Employment Hero, said employers need to look at sick days not as detrimental to the growth of the organisation, but how it impacts productivity.

“There is quite a bit of misconception that having employees out sick hampers their productivity. In truth, it’s hard for anyone to be productive when they are unwell. Encouraging employees to work through their illness simply means they will not be able to take the time they need to fully rest and recuperate. This will ultimately end up dragging out their illness, making them more unproductive for a longer period of time than necessary.

“We should also not forget the effects of presenteeism when unwell, especially in a post-pandemic era. The risk of one person spreading an illness to the rest of their colleagues can cause the company more unproductivity in the long run.

“Employers who incentivise not taking sick leave also need to be wary of the effects this could have on talent retention and recruitment strategies. Employees are at a point where they are prioritising their health, wellbeing, and workplace satisfaction more than ever. In our Wellness At Work Report, we found that employees who rated their employer’s commitment to wellness as good or excellent were 75% more likely to say they were loyal to a business. Employees want to feel valued, cared for, and supported by their employers — not treated as cogs in a machine.

“It’s time for employers who want to retain top talent to start reshaping their views and shake off the focus on hours worked. Flexible working hours and remote work initiatives should be considered from the get-go to prevent burnout that can also lead to illness. High-growth and resilient businesses are created by healthy and inspired employees, who thrive when they are given the right environment to do their best work.”

By Alex Hattingh, Chief People Officer at Employment Hero

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