Malaysia needs unity more than ever

3 years of immense struggle against Covid-19 has arguably had a serious stronghold on the mental health of all Malaysians but there appears to be a glimpse of hope at a life close to normalcy worldwide as the World Health Organization recently declared an end to the global health emergency first instituted in 2020. A sigh of relief for Malaysians after years of anxiety.

Nevertheless, this may not be enough to quell the storms that brew in the anxious-ridden hearts of all Malaysian hearts—particularly the underprivileged.  The difficult episodes in addition to the pandemic that all Malaysians have had to endure these past few years, the escalation of a great many issues in the country—political turmoil, societal polarization, rising living costs, natural disasters—have caused many to suffer, already adding to the exacerbated grievances incurred. These difficulties have only caused the nation to significantly regress.

The state of politics in the country is viciously forcing Malaysians to hold a dangerously narrow and myopic perspective of the trajectory of Malaysia’s future because the fate of the country’s ideological position being compromised hangs over the people like a loose thread, causing Malaysians to be in amnesia as to where national commitments should be placed and how its energy should be expended. Whether it be the victims of the pandemic, the floods of the East Coast, Batang Kali, the excruciating heat wave, economic and political turmoil—Malaysia has had a tumultuous season and it has disrupted the peace the Malaysian people have yearned so desperately to secure as an antidote to the uncertainties they have had to endure. 

There is no doubt that the lingering thought of suffering from a life-threatening infection is near impossible to simply put aside as it is too terrifying a prospect to take for granted, leaving Malaysians in a justifiable state of heart-palpitating worry. Neither should it be doubted that Malaysian values and the interests of Malaysians are significantly important, causing conflict and frustration between political and social factions. There are only so many battles, however, that Malaysia can afford to strive to desperately grapple with before the country exhausts the hearts of both the leadership and its people. What ought to be prioritized first therefore among Malaysians most crucially is the welfare of the misfortunate, vulnerable and the injured as our misplaced attention on political triumph could carelessly result in depriving them of a much-needed safety net as conflict, in whichever form, almost always causes collateral damage.

The country must not lose sight as to those who have fatally perished under the burdensome weight of the agonizing issues that have beset them; who are attempting to recover from the wounds violently inflicted upon them and who—due to abrupt circumstances—are edging towards a life of serious hardship. It is precisely these people who we must be mindful of the most; who require our care, support, and assurance. If the gradual emergence of yet another political crisis threatens to rear its ugly horns, the welfare of the underprivileged will only continues to be weathered down. Given that the country suffers from structural issues–historically brought about due to multiple factors—the desired reformation roadmap will only be delayed that much longer if political strife instigated by certain groups’ gains considerable traction. And if further prolonged, the situation—which is already dire—may be pushed to an irrevocable state; making it that much more difficult for the country to develop.

If what Malaysians are truly concerned with national interests then the solution should not be one that delegitimizes the country’s leadership but one that actively seeks out ways to establish meaningful collaboration—demonstrating a spirit of togetherness—in order to realize that very ambition. Any deviation from this could cause dangerous political conflict.

Perhaps what was needed for the country was a unity government—a force for good that inspires Malaysians to work together to uplift disaffected groups, a reminder to us all that our combined effort has the capacity to realize the country’s full potential; to bridge ethnic, religious, and racial divides; to bring stillness to a country rife with tensions.

One of the historical challenges to social cohesion in the country were the politically-charged undercurrents that drew Malaysian communities along ideological lines. Disputes over racial and religious controversies repeatedly plagued the country; significantly colouring Malaysian politics and stagnating attempts to improve the relationship between differing racial groups. These issues—remaining unresolved—spilled over to the present where it continues to sway local politics and exacerbating racial and religious divides. The unique situation Malaysia currently finds itself could potentially serve as an antidote to the country’s deeply embedded divisions. While the worry held by many that the GE-15 elections in revealing the truth of Malaysia’s worsened polarization suffered in the country would discourage and dispel efforts towards national unity. The outcome of the recent general elections has presented Malaysians with a remedy to unity, one that could rectify past wrongs and heal divisions and restore peace—the unprecedented creation of a unity government for the very first time.

The current unity government comprises of parties that have historically been at violent loggerheads. The desperation for stability after years of political vacuum have culminated into a circumstance in which parties that are diametrically opposed ideologically are expected to coordinate with each other in order to govern the country. Malaysia is at a critical juncture—having to withstand the forces of a weakening global economy—and it must muster the political will necessary to uplift the Malaysian people and navigate through climate disasters, devastatingly high living costs and reoccurring political issues. The presence of the unity government has afforded the country with the opportunity to demonstrate that Malaysians are able to historical disagreements to recognize the urgency of the peoples’ welfare interest. The establishment of the unity government in the long-term has the capacity to offset perceptions held by many that view politics strictly in binary terms. If the unity government is able to operate unhinderedly throughout its 5-year mandate, it is able to also establish efforts to enhance unity not only among the Malaysian people but the political coalitions also; such that an understanding as to the need between them to cooperate in emergency situations where the country is in significant distress. This could gradually condition Malaysians to place a greater emphasis on national unity and the welfare of the people; avoiding the escalation of tensions.

Through our striving for unity, we are able to empower disaffected Malaysians and bridge historical divides. It was that exact embrace which Malaysians had towards each other that provided them with the support needed to endure the excruciatingly difficult lows of the pandemic years and political and economic crisis. As Malaysians, we ought to bring our attention to the pledge we have set our hearts on since birth—the Rukun Negara. (National Principles). The 5th principle (Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan) calls on Malaysians to be courteous, kind and loving as this is more patriotic and serving of the nation. Let us put this oath above politics. When struck by tragedy, Malaysians ought to love one another and towards unity uncompromisingly. Malaysians must refrain from allowing others to disturb the social order for political purposes. Malaysia needs unity more than ever. Its’ very future depends on it.

By Pravin Periasamy, Student Researcher at Sunway University

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