Gabema Academy, KLIEC Partner To Offer Professional Diploma Programme In Blockchain, Decentralised Finance

Gabema Academy and Kuala Lumpur International Education Consortium (KLIEC) are proud to announce their collaboration to become an Accredited Training Provider (ATP) for the Professional Diploma in Blockchain and Decentralized Finance program. This collaboration is accredited by the London Examination Board (LEB). This MoU was officially signed on June 15, 2023, strengthening their commitment to deliver high-quality education in the field of blockchain technology and decentralized finance.

In today’s fast-paced world, technological developments in the world have changed the shape of the industry with the emergence of blockchain technology and decentralized finance. The emergence of this technology has also caused industrial innovation towards
digital and caused an increase in demand for professionals skilled in this field with the necessary knowledge. To meet the needs of the market, the Professional Diploma in Blockchain and Decentralize Finance program was introduced.

The Manager of the Malaysian Government Dato Benjamin Bin Mohd Shariff said “This collaboration is an effort to meet the
demand of professionals in the field of Blockchain and Decentralized Finance which is increasing due to the progression and innovation of many industries toward digital”.

The Diploma Professional Program in Blockchain and Decentralized Finance offers intensive professional studies on cryptography, blockchain technology, smart contracts, digital crypto assets, market analysis, laws and regulations for digital crypto assets to students to ensure
students are prepared for future careers in industries that is moving towards digital.

This program allows students to put their knowledge into practice immediately within a period of 6 months to 12 months. Through this program, students can understand the basics of blockchain construction, decentralised finance, and smart contracts, be able to analyse
the crypto asset digital market and be able to ensure investors and companies comply with crypto asset digital laws and regulations.

Students who graduate will gain access to the network between Gabema Academy, KLIEC, and blockchain companies, allowing them to get support and help in building careers that suit their background and skills, whether as instructors, consultants, analysts, developers,
and so on. They can also choose to use the skills and knowledge they learned in starting a career as an entrepreneur in the blockchain and decentraliSed finance industry, either building a blockchain project for company use or bringing blockchain products to the Malaysian market with the help and support of Gabema Academy.

The managing director of Gabema Academy, Norizwan Ali emphasised “This Professional Diploma in Blockchain and decentralised Finance program is an innovation in responding to the current challenges in an increasingly complex era with rapid technological development
in ensuring students have skills that are relevant and in line with the current market”.

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