S P Setia Unveils Affordable Landed Property In Setia Bayuemas

S P Setia has unveiled a new affordable landed residential project in Setia Bayuemas, Laelia a double-storey terraced home comprising 98 freehold units of terraced homes, including a loft-style home and a conventional double-storey terrace.

The project carries a gross development value of RM71.75 million and according to Razly Mohammad Rus, Divisional General Manager “Laelia is an ideal modular starter home for first-time homebuyers and young families seeking an affordable landed property in the prime location of southern Klang. In addition to the conventional double-storey terrace, we are excited to offer the loft-style terraced home, which combines flexible space and modern apartment-style living in a well-planned township.”

The property is priced between RM600,000 and RM1.20 million, with a loft-style terrace offering a built-up area between 1,568 sq ft and 1,604 sq ft while the double-storey terrace ranges from 1,865 sq ft to 1,960 sq ft. Each unit features 3 or 4 bedrooms and bathrooms, with the loft type boasting a spacious double-volume living room. Property purchasers are allowed to customise and extend their living space on the ground floor to suit their changing needs and lifestyle. The units are equipped with solar photovoltaic conduit and electric vehicle ports, as well as a green switch for convenient control of electrical appliances.

Additionally, the development includes the innovative Box 366 food and parcel delivery dropbox.

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