Shaping a Prosperous Future for the Malaysian Workforce

As the highly anticipated Budget 2024 approaches, there are four key areas in which we  hope to see positive outcomes to advance the interests of the Malaysian workforce and  boost the nation’s digital transformation journey. 

1. Equitable Taxation and Compensation Policies 

With the rising cost of living, fair taxation policies are a crucial consideration in the  financial health of our local workforce. Towards this, we urge for progressive taxation  measures that protect the income of lower-income individuals, thereby enhancing the  overall financial stability of our citizens.  

Moreover, we encourage the government to reward businesses that invest in their  employees through tax incentives, particularly those aligned with the Progressive Wage  System (PWS), whose policy will be tabled during Budget 2024. Such measures would  not only benefit employees, but also foster a more inclusive and prosperous society. 

2. Empowering Employee Financial Well-being 

In today’s complex economic landscape, the financial well-being of our employees is  of utmost concern. We would like to see the implementation of government-led  financial literacy programmes tailored specifically to the needs of our Malaysian  workforce. These programmes would empower employees with the knowledge and  skills required to manage their personal finances, invest wisely, and plan for retirement.  

Furthermore, we advocate for financial assistance programmes and grants aimed at  making essential services such as affordable housing, healthcare, and education more  accessible. These initiatives would alleviate the financial burdens our employees face  and improve their overall quality of life. 

3. Accelerating Digitalisation and Skills Development 

The digital era is upon us, and it is essential that our workforce is prepared. The  government should expedite digitalisation efforts across all sectors, offering incentives  to businesses that embrace digital technologies.  

To equip our Malaysian workforce with the skills needed to thrive in the digital economy,  we propose comprehensive digital skills development programmes supported by  government funding. Lifelong learning and reskilling opportunities are paramount in  bridging the digital divide and ensuring our employees remain competitive and  adaptable in the ever-changing job market.

Towards this, we hope to see a continuation of the Malaysia Short-Term Employment  Programme (MySTEP), which has played a significant role in boosting the employability  of our Malaysian graduates through a train and place format. This is a win-win initiative  which not only provides graduates with the opportunity to develop real working  experience that is relevant to their roles in companies where they are placed, but also  enables participating employers to gain trained workforce, supported by the  government.  

4. Balancing Labour Market Flexibility and Job Security 

Achieving a balance between labour market flexibility and job security is paramount.  

HR experts understand the importance of fair labour practices, including benefits like  paid family leave, and flexible work arrangements. The pandemic had shifted mindsets  and attitudes towards work, and where it fits in our lives; talent today increasingly  gravitate towards organisations that demonstrate a people-first-centric culture. For a  significant shift towards greater flexibility in the workplace as a whole, there needs to  be collaborative efforts between the government, employers, and unions.  

Furthermore, we recommend the creation and expansion of government-led job  placement and transition programmes, such as the MySTEP (as mentioned earlier) and  various digital upskilling programmes spearheaded by Malaysia Digital Economy  Corporation (MDEC). These programmes would assist local employees in finding new  opportunities within an evolving job market, especially as digitalisation reshapes  industries. 


In conclusion, as veteran in the HR space, our vision is centred on the prosperity and well being of the Malaysian workforce. By championing equitable taxation, financial  empowerment, digitalisation, and a balanced labour market, we aspire to create a brighter  future for our employees and contribute to Malaysia’s growth as a dynamic and inclusive  nation.  

Together, we can shape a prosperous future for all Malaysians. 

By Melissa Norman, Founder and Managing Director of Aisling Group

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