Sabah EC Opens Large Scale Solar Bid, Encourages Local Companies To Take Part

Energy Commission of Sabah is launching its inaugural Large-Scale Solar (LSS) Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plant bidding process, and the applications will be prioritised for companies from the state.

ECOS said the initiative aims to enhance the energy generation through renewable energy solutions towards ensuring sustainable energy supply for Sabah. LSS-SABAH2024 seeks to secure the development of large-scale solar PV power plants with a total capacity of 100MWac up for grabs via open bidding under the its supervision. Projects will range from 1MWac to 15MWac, with either ground-mounted, floating or rooftops designs; providing opportunities for companies of various sizes with a variety of available resources to participate. The plants are targeted to begin operation in 2026.

“ECoS is calling on experienced companies or consortia with a proven track record in implementing power generation projects, including project financing and power plant operation, to submit bids,” said Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Ir. Abdul Nasser Bin Abdul Wahid, adding that priority will be given to qualified Sabah-owned companies or consortia registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) or the Sabah Contractor Registration Center for Works (PUKONSA),
provided they or their partners meet the relevant class, head and sub- head requirements.

In addition to that and to ensure safety and quality aspects, potential bidders are also required to appoint Electrical Contractors with Class PV (Grid-Connected) registered with ECoS.

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