N2N Connect Berhad Side Stories: Advanced Beyond Their Years

Back in 2004, N2N’s focus wasn’t in online stock broking – in fact it was a system that we all use today. Named EMOChat, Tiang said it did “everything you see on Whatsapp today, back in 2004”. When the product first launched in the market, demand was high. Unfortunately, their vision and capabilities surpassed what devices and telcos at that time could support; the chat application ultimately couldn’t take off.

While Tiang isn’t looking to start the chat business again, he told us they are working on some projects venturing into consumer markets.


“We believe that when you’ve made your successes, you can take a certain percentage of the successes to invest in other ventures. To us it’s not about industry, but a business model. If you can use the same technology, implement in a similar business model, but in a totally different industry; it’s still aligned t o our business. It’s still a technology powered business,” he shares.

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