Energy Saving Tips During The Hot Weather

Following a report from the Malaysian Meteorological Department (METMalaysia) expecting the hot weather to last until May, before gradually subsiding in June, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) advised consumers to use air conditioners wisely as it could result in or lead to high energy consumption.
Among the measures to save energy consumption, especially air conditioners that are easy to practice are:-

i. Adjust the temperature of the air conditioning system between 24 to 26 degrees celsius.
ii. Change or clean the air conditioning filter regularly to maximize the cooling potential of the unit. Dirty filters impede air circulation and reduce the efficiency of the air conditioner.
iii. In addition, maintaining the air conditioner regularly can also help it operate at optimum levels.
iv. Close all doors and windows as well as air vents to ensure cold air does not leave the room.
v. At night, turn on the fan and set a time for the air conditioner to turn off. Often the room temperature will reach a comfortable level after a few hours of air conditioning being installed. However, the cost of using a fan is cheaper in addition to helping the distribution of air in the room.

Consumers are also encouraged to replace old air conditioners as they are no longer efficient after years of use.

Consumers who want to buy new air conditioners are advised to choose the model that has the highest number of energy efficiency stars. More stars means the equipment is more energy-efficient.

The selection of the right size and type of air conditioner that is appropriate for the size of the room space is also important. It is because the larger horsepower capacity of air conditioners is not only more expensive to purchase and install, but also uses higher electrical energy.
For additional information on smart electricity-saving, please visit

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