10 Exercises To Do When You’re Stressed

Brisk walking

A brisk walk is perhaps the simplest way to get some stress-relieving exercise. Some studies suggest that a 10-minute walk can be just as effective as a 45-minute or longer walk in reducing stress and anxiety.

Running or jogging

If your joints allow it, try jogging or running at a faster pace for even more stress relief. Just make sure you have a safe route and adequate support and cushioning for your feet.


Swimming is a full-body workout that is great for the cardiovascular system and  provides some resistance training elements because water is denser than air and will resist your movements more than moving on land. Being submerged in water can also be very soothing for some people, resulting in even greater stress reduction.


Cycling is low-impact and can provide a heart-pumping workout. Just remember to be safe on the roads.


Is there anything more uplifting or joyful than busting a move to some good music? Dancing can be a great way to relieve stress while also getting a good workout. It can also be a highly social activity, which can foster a sense of connection and support, making you feel less anxious.


Gardening can get you moving and more physically active than you realise. Stretching, bending, digging, and carrying plants, soil, or a full watering can around the garden can work a variety of muscles and slightly raise your heart rate while beautifying your space and calming your mind.


Even a gentle stretching programme can allow you to move within your mobility limitations while focusing on your physical health to relieve stress and anxiety.

Yoga or tai chi

Yoga is frequently regarded as the gold standard in stress and anxiety relief exercise. Tai chi, another gentle practise, combines slow, deliberate movement with breathing exercises. Yoga and tai chi can connect the mental and physical parts of yourself for great benefit to body and mind, whether you do an aerobic hot house yoga workout that gets you sweating or a super gentle breathing and stretching practise that barely seems like exercise.

Breathing exercises

Yoga’s ability to connect the breath to movement is one of its most effective anxiety-relieving features. When you’re dealing with stress or anxiety, breathing exercises can help you calm down and re-center.

HITT workouts

By combining aerobic, anaerobic, and strength elements into a compact workout, high-intensity interval training gets your heart pumping quickly and may pay big dividends in health and wellness.

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