Indium Corporation Officiates Its Expanded RM250 Million Facility In Penang

Indium Corporation, a US-based global materials supplier to the electronics assembly and semiconductor packaging industries, has expanded its facility in Penang by adding a 37,500-square-foot manufacturing space.

Indium Corporation’s President and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Ross Berntson commented, “Indium Corporation is proud to continue its more than 40-year history of doing business in Malaysia with the grand opening of our new manufacturing facility in Penang. This new facility will enable us to further support our customers in automotive, semiconductor, power electronics, e-mobility, industrial and computing, and other markets.”

Indium Corporation produces a diverse range of solders and solder paste products including materials for electronics assembly, e-mobility, power electronics, and advanced packaging for semiconductor markets.

Earlier this year, the company announced its investment of RM250 million for its expansion in Malaysia with this new manufacturing facility for its advanced solder paste, high-performance thermal materials, and innovative engineered solder products. The new facility has begun its manufacturing activities and will continue to expand its production capacity to better serve the company’s customers in Malaysia and the surrounding region, including Thailand and Vietnam.

The new facility will be manufacturing, Solder Pastes: Indium Corporation is the Avoid the Void leader in the market, providing proven and innovative products that eliminate defects and deliver high reliability. The most recent innovation, patented Durafuse™ LT technology, delivers exceptional reliability while reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Thermal Interface Materials: Indium Corporation is an industry leader in high-performance solder- and metal-based TIMs for a variety of applications.

Solder preforms: the company’s proven, innovative material solutions for dieattach and power semiconductor applications are designed to increase productivity, performance, and efficiency. The patented InFORMS® and other preforms products meet the highest standards in power electronics applications.

Penang also houses the company’s Malaysia Tech Hub, a regional center for the development of electronics assembly expertise and customer service, as well as a logistics and manufacturing support centre

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