Ministry Says Save The Cost And Trouble, House Foreign Workers At CLQs

The Ministry of Human Resources is giving options to employers in addition to providing housing either in the form of terraced houses, apartments, containers, or cabins, they can now also choose to accommodate their workers in the Employee Centered Accommodation (CLQ- Centralized Labour Quarters) which is now being vigorously established.

This the Ministry said are steps taken to ensure the country is free from any accusations of Forced Labor as has been faced lately. The facilities in CLQ is seen as more systematic and easy for employers to monitor the condition and health as well as the movement of workers. Apart from that it could also help reduce costs related to the welfare and comfort of the employees as they are equipped with various facilities that are much more efficient and good compared to employers said the Ministry.

Employers are requested to act swiftly to place their employees in CLQs that are already ready. Early this month, HR Minister Sivakumar accused some of the employers have accommodations for foreign labours that were not even suitable for animals to live in, the deplorable living conditions have given Malaysia a bad rap often being listed poorly in the global arena as a discriminatory country.

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