Government’s Decision To Cancel GVF Affects Many Small Businesses And Local Artists

Member of Parliament Syed Saddiq has called the action taken by the Government to cancel Good Vibes Festival too harsh as the repercussion will affect many small businesses and local artists who have invested time and money to be at the event to earn an income.

While criticising the band “Th 1975′ act during Friday’s show, the Muar MP suggested the government take action against the band and not punish the others who are not at fault. He went on to quote, just because “one bad apple you throw the whole barrel.”

However, netizens who weighed in on the decision called it appropriate, Kevin Too said the organiser should be held accountable and should have complied with the set rules which must be clearly engaged with any performer. And if cases of misconduct occur and the event is canceled or suffers losses, the event organiser has the right to sue the artist for loss of income. While Buidler, said the government should have stopped The 1975 from leaving the country and put them behind bars, this way they will not be able to perform elsewhere if the government wanted to make a political statement instead of canceling the event.

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