Content Hacks: Your Guide to One Month’s Material in Just Five Days

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

As a business owner, time is like gold in your pocket. Beyond all the victories, time is that one thing money can’t snag for you. So, it’s super important to squeeze the juice out of every minute for maximum results. Social media? Yeah, it can chew up your clock, but hey, having a solid online presence is like your industry street cred. With a game plan and these five nifty social media tricks up your sleeve, handling your content becomes way more fun.

1. Get the Right Crowd: Know your peeps – who’s your audience? Stick to your groove. Make content that vibes with them. Also, think about how they want to consume stuff. Fancy infographics? Cool pics? Chatty videos? Maybe some motivation quotes? Once you’ve nailed the problem your thingamajig solves, sell the whole lifestyle it’s about, not just the thing itself.

2. Give Them the Good Stuff: Your Insta grid should feel like your brand’s BFF, not just a shop. Keep your pals entertained by mixing up what you put out there. A smart mix would be Educate, Entertain, and Sell. Let’s say it’s toothpaste you’re rocking. Teach ’em why brushing is rad, show ’em a smile makeover, and then drop the “how to use it in real life” demo.

3. Break It Down: Content overload is real, so let’s hack it. Plan out what you’ll shoot one day. Next day, grab the camera and film away. Spend another day editing the movie magic. And lastly, get those captions down. Break it up to conquer it – each job needs a different kind of brain juice. Stick to one thing at a time and boom, you’re good with just a few days of content grind.

4. Let Tech Do Some Work: Got your content locked and loaded? Awesome. Now, time for a content scheduler – use cool tools like Canva, Later, Hootsuite and even the platforms itself. These bad boys help you line up your posts, so you never miss your groove even when life gets wild.

5. Amp Up Your Reach: You’ve nailed it – content’s good to go and it’s autopiloting on the grid. But wait, got to make sure your peeps are getting the memo. Post your reels to your main feed. You can always ditch ’em later, but more peeps notice it on the main stage. Share the love on stories too, and throw in a question sticker or something fun. Remember that toothpaste? Post a reel about brushing, then ask what flavour they dig most.

Hey, listen up – everything can totally be content. Imagine you had a meeting today, all about spiffy new packaging. Why not whip up a quick behind-the-scenes reel? Give your crew a sneak peek into the action. It’s like they’re in on the secret plan! Keep it snappy, keep it simple, and let loose while creating your own audio vibes. ‘Cause, you know, some folks on Instagram are on autopilot mode, scrolling with the sound off. So, make your words pop by using captions for your vids. Oh, and remember to stick those captions where everyone can see ’em, like in the middle part. That way, your name and captions don’t crash the party.

Now, hop on those trending sounds and viral video styles – but hold up. Make sure it jives with your peeps. Like, if you’re a law firm, maybe rethink the dance trend unless you know your crowd is into it. Oh, and if you’re spreading content across different platforms, ditch the logos. Instagram’s not a fan of those logo-tagged vids.

The big kahuna here? Boosting your brand and turning it into sales. Get your gang involved by always throwing in a call to action in your caption. Stick to what you’re ace at, post steady, and remember, you don’t need to drop something every single day. A couple of times a week – that’s the magic number. And hey, go wild with your stories too. It might seem like a whirlwind, but keep your eye on the prize and enjoy the ride!

Yasmin Walter of KMD Books is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur, international bestselling author and modern publisher based in Australia. Read her latest book here :

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