Budget 2024: Infrastructure, Procurement Improvements Needed  

There needs to be keen focus towards critical infrastructure and procurement improvements, said Deloitte. Senior Advisor Infrastructure | Economic |Policy and Former Ministry of Water, Land and Natural Resources (KATS) Secretary General Dato’ Dr. Tan Yew Chong.

Dana Mudahcara Infrastructure (DMI) Funding Increase

Tan said there is a proposal to increase the budget for DMI from RM250 million to RM1 billion. This is aimed at addressing the viability gap in infrastructure projects and encouraging more Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects.

Infrastructure investments often have high upfront costs but yield long-term economic benefits, including job creation and improved connectivity. The idea here is to dedicate a significant budget to DMI which can attract private sector investments, leading to more infrastructure development and stimulating economic growth.

Major Infrastructure Projects

The proposed projects, including the KL-Singapore high-speed rail, MRT 3, and sea port expansion, are expected to create spill-over effects on the economy. The High-speed rail systems and efficient public transportation can reduce travel time, ease congestion, and attract businesses and tourists.

“These projects can enhance regional accessibility and connectivity, supporting tourism, trade, and business activities while boosting the local economy,” he said.

Transparency and Efficiency in Government Procurements

There is an emphasis on the need for transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness in government procurement for services and physical projects, Tan cited, adding, transparent procurement processes can reduce corruption and promote fair competition among businesses which should be open to all local companies with good track records.

The government should implement e-procurement systems under clear guidelines, and stringent oversight which can enhance the procurement process’s fairness and efficiency.

Optimising Water and Wastewater Industries

The suggestion is to adopt open tenders for all local qualified companies in water and wastewater industries to ensure fair access to these opportunities. Open tenders can provide equal opportunities for local companies, fostering competition and innovation.

Establishing clear qualification criteria and providing capacity-building support to local companies can help them participate effectively in these tenders.

Tan shared that these proposals reflect a commitment to developing infrastructure, fostering economic growth, and improving governance. They align with common practices for enhancing infrastructure and procurement processes, which can contribute to Malaysia’s sustainable development and economic prosperity.

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