After Oversupply Fiasco, MOHR Will Stop Approvals For Foreign Workers

MOHR in response to a recent article by anti-forced labour advocator Andy Hall regarding a situation that Malaysia
is facing huge access to foreign workers due to systemic forced labour through debt bondage contributed by corruption and impunity the oversupply was due to employers misusing the flexibility resulting in the approved quota exceeding the actual needs.

The relaxation occurred after businesses called for the government to increase the quota as they were in dire need of workers as the economy was on a recovery. It said although the conditions were relaxed, companies with approvals would have six months to fulfil all the regulatory requirements involved in regard to the employment of foreign workers. However,
the relaxation approach is a temporary measure and has been stopped since 18 March 2023. The Government said it has reviewed the relaxation programme and is aware that some employers have misused the flexibility given resulting in the approved quota exceeding the actual needs of the employers.

MOHR acknowledged that this has caused many foreign workers to face unpleasant situations of not being paid, not being given jobs and not being provided with conducive accommodation according to the laws of the country.

In efforts to remedy the situation, MOHR said it has decided that no more approval of new quotas and will only be managing the entry of workers based on the approved quotas. This is to ensure the number of foreign workers in Malaysia will not exceed 2.4 million by 2025. Take strict action against employers who fail to comply with labour and immigration laws along with any fraudulent activities conducted by employers during the relaxation programs.

Blacklist employers and private employment agencies who breached laws and misused policies/directives by the Government in regard to foreign workers’ applications and recruitments; and assist foreign workers who suffered from employers who misused the relaxation program through Employers Exchange Programs. The new employer will be screened by the Department of Labour and Department of Immigration before the workers are handed to them.

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