Using Social Media for Upskilling and Self-Marketing in a Challenging Job Market

In a competitive job market, going to extra mile is crucial to standing out from the crowd.  And an effective way of doing so is by using social media platforms as tools to upskill and  self-market. Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, or any other social media  platform, jobseekers have the power to learn and hone new skills; to showcase their  expertise; and to connect with potential employers.  

Here a few simple ways that social media platforms can help jobseekers to get their foot in  the door. 

Building a Professional Online Presence 

A 2020 Harris Poll found that 71 percent of hiring decision-makers believe that looking at  candidates’ social media profile is an effective way to screen applicants, and that 67  percent do use social networking sites to research potential job candidates. Though this  was a poll conducted in the United States job market, this is common practice among  Malaysian recruiters too. Hence, creating a professional online presence is crucial for  jobseekers. 

Social media platforms like LinkedIn offer an excellent opportunity for jobseekers to  showcase their skills, experience, and accomplishments. Jobseekers can optimise their  profile by including relevant keywords, highlighting their achievements, and displaying their  portfolio or work samples. 

Networking and Building Connections 

Social media platforms provide an extensive network of professionals from various  industries. Jobseekers can utilise these platforms to connect with industry experts, potential  mentors, and recruiters. Engaging in conversations, participating in industry-related  discussions, and seeking advice from experienced professionals can help jobseekers  expand their networks, gain insights, and potentially discover new job opportunities. 

Joining Industry-Specific Communities 

Many social media platforms host communities or groups dedicated to specific industries  or professions. By joining these communities, jobseekers can gain access to valuable  resources, industry updates, and networking opportunities. Engaging in discussions, sharing  knowledge, and seeking guidance within these communities not only help in their upskilling  but also demonstrate their passion and commitment to their chosen fields.

Showcasing Skills and Expertise 

Social media platforms offer various mediums to showcase skills and expertise. For  example, jobseekers can create and share informative blog posts, industry-related articles,  or even video content. By consistently providing valuable content, jobseekers can establish  their credibility and position themselves as a knowledgeable professional in their fields. This  not only helps in attracting potential employers but also demonstrates a proactive  approach towards personal and professional development. 

Leveraging Online Learning Opportunities 

Social media platforms are a treasure trove of online learning opportunities. Many industry  experts, influencers, and organisations offer webinars, workshops, and online courses that  can help jobseekers acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. By actively participating in  these learning opportunities, jobseekers can showcase their willingness to learn and adapt,  making them more attractive to potential employers. 

By following and interacting with industry influencers and thought leaders on these  platforms, jobseekers can stay updated on the latest trends and insights in their field. Again,  this demonstrates a genuine interest in the industry but also help them build valuable  connections and potentially open doors to new opportunities.  

Jobseekers should also consider participating in online challenges or competitions related  to their field. These events not only provide a chance to showcase their skills but also offer  exposure to potential employers and industry professionals. 

In a nutshell 

In a challenging job market, jobseekers need to find innovative ways to differentiate  themselves. Social media platforms provide a unique opportunity for upskilling and self marketing. By building a professional online presence, networking with industry  professionals, joining industry-specific communities, showcasing skills and expertise, and  leveraging online learning opportunities, jobseekers can enhance their chances of success.  By harnessing the power of social media, jobseekers can not only upskill but also market  themselves effectively, increasing their visibility and attractiveness to potential employers. 

By Melissa Norman, Founder and Managing Director of Aisling Group

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