How A Malaysian Based Asset Management Company Is Tackling Sustainability In The Manufacturing Sector

BidMyAsset, a Malaysian-based asset management company, is spearheading sustainability initiatives in the manufacturing sector with its innovative approach to asset disposal and management.

As Earth Day approaches, the company is doubling down on its commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, aiming to revolutionize the industry’s sustainability practices.

With a focus on the second-life of industrial assets, BidMyAsset has introduced a comprehensive ecosystem designed to amplify sustainability efforts.

This ecosystem integrates asset appraisal, data analysis, on-site assessments, online sales, and logistical arrangements, all while meticulously tracking the carbon footprint metrics of equipment and assets.

BidMyAsset, Co-Founder, Jeevan Muniandy emphasised the company’s mission to be the premier asset disposal management company in Asia, driven by principles of efficiency, integrity, and value.

BidMyAsset’s efforts have already yielded tangible results, with an estimated reduction of close to 10 metric tonnes of carbon emissions within the sector over the past 19 years through asset repurposing.

Looking ahead, BidMyAsset has ambitious plans to further contribute to sustainability by targeting a reduction of 200,000 metric tonnes of carbon emissions by 2030.

Specialising in asset appraisal and utilising innovative approaches, BidMyAsset distinguishes itself as a leader in sustainability-focused asset disposal solutions.

Critical services offered by BidMyAsset include carbon footprint analysis and life cycle assessments, empowering businesses to quantify and mitigate their environmental impact effectively.

Jeevan highlighted the importance of data-driven decision-making, stating that businesses equipped with this information can optimize processes and enhance sustainability efforts.

BidMyAsset’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in its recent logo transition to the color blue, symbolising professionalism, trustworthiness, and dedication to sustainability principles.

As the company embarks on this transformative journey, it plans to expand its services and reach into new markets, with Vietnam and India on the horizon.

Through transparent, efficient, and fair asset transactions, BidMyAsset serves as a bridge between buyers and sellers across various markets, facilitating mutually beneficial outcomes while prioritising sustainability goals.

As the company continues to evolve, its dedication to sustainability remains unwavering, reaffirming its position as a catalyst for positive change in Malaysia’s manufacturing sector.

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