Govt Giving Private Diesel Vehicle Owners In B40, M40 Group RM200 Per Month

In view of the impending diesel subsidy lifting, the government has further announced exemption for owners of private diesel vehicles, small farmers and commodity smallholders from the B40 and M40 groups in the Peninsula.

This who fir the bill are eligible to apply for government cash contributions through the specially created by the Ministry of Finance called BUDI MADANI Subsidy Assistance Program, starting tomorrow (May 28).

The Ministry of Finance through today’s statement informed that owners of private diesel vehicles based on certain eligibility criteria like earning below RM100, 000 per household per annum can apply under the Individual BUDI category, while small farmers and smallholders can apply under the Agri-Commodity BUDI category.

Those who use their vehicles for business or to earn income will not be eligible including for e-hailing, taxi or delivery.

“Eligible recipients under both categories, will be channeled BUDI MADANI amounting to RM200 per month in line with the implementation of diesel subsidy targeting,” according to the statement.

The Ministry of Finance informed that the implementation follows the National Message by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim last week, regarding the Cabinet of Ministers’ decision to implement the targeting of diesel fuel subsidies involving users in the Peninsula.

According to the statement, the eligibility criteria for the Individual BUDI category is that the applicant is a Malaysian citizen; own a private diesel vehicle registered with the Road Transport Department (JPJ) in addition to luxury vehicles under the age of 10.

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