What Does Purpose Mean To Millennials?

If there’s one thing to know about what millennials desire in the workplace, it’s that they want to feel like they have a purpose.

Purpose is what millennials seek in the job, and technology is the reason for this.

The eagerness of millennials to take the next positive step ahead is unparalleled, and the attitude is a reaction to the world around them. Millennials have access to information that previous generations did not have because of technological advancements. Our world is more transparent than ever, and millennials’ imaginations are brimming with ideas for how to improve it.

Whether or if the social, economic, and political circumstances that millennials grew up in require more care than earlier generations, one thing is certain: millennials are paying the price. Given the unparalleled level of connectivity that the modern world provides, is it any surprise that millennials prioritise a feeling of purpose in the workplace?

They seek a sense of direction, but what direction?

While experts have reaffirmed again that millennials seek purpose at work more than anything else, it’s difficult to find something that delves deeper into what that purpose is.

What does “purpose” mean to millennials?

When millennials say they desire a sense of meaning, do they mean a self-serving sense of purpose? Given the prevalence of self-comparison in a world made so visible by social media, this makes sense. Even the most beneficent users are subject to peer pressure to keep up with their peers.

To be honest, it is unclear which of these purpose drivers means more to millennials than the others, but there is reason to suppose that each has its own appeal.

Companies that wish to respond to what millennials desire in the workplace should address all levels of purpose. Not only will this distinguish the organisation as a more appealing and engaging employer for millennials in the workforce, but techniques that enable organisations to build a strong sense of purpose in their employees are also in the best interests of your business.

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