Are Millennials Entitled?

The stereotype of the Millennial age is entitled and selfish, wanting everything to be delivered to them when they want it. Another word that comes to mind when Generation X and Baby Boomers discuss the Millennial generation is “lazy.”

What went wrong for an entire generation to develop such self-indulgent personality traits, and do these traits truly rule the Millennial generation as we all portray it?

There are several theories as to why Millennials have earned such a terrible reputation from previous generations. One factor is that Millennials grew up in a technological world where anything they desired could be found instantly.

The joy of quick gratification made available by the internet, and one-click transactions taught Millennials that whatever they want, whenever they want it, is a click away.

Instant satisfaction has also influenced how people expect to be treated when looking for work. Millennials are thought to want a RM 48000-a-year career right out of university, whereas Generation Xers are recognised for putting in their time and starting at the bottom.

Millennials, on the other hand, grew up in a time when awards were given to every child who participated. How can an entire generation be regarded as lazy when the generation before them instilled the belief that simply showing up will result in a prize?

However, before dismissing every Millennial as a self-entitled narcissist, keep in mind that Millennials are also the most educated generation in history.

Perhaps Millennials constitute a threat to Gen Xers, resulting in entitlement, or perhaps Millennials are entitled to earn more than $20,000 per year in their first job out of college since they are qualified.

Many Generation Xers are parents of Millennials, and as many will recall, Gen Xers entered the labour sector at a different time than Millennials.

A university degree was preferred but not required for Gen Xers, and job opportunities were plentiful in a strong economy. Gen Xers had the advantage of starting in an entry-level position with no higher education and steadily climbing the corporate ladder.

So, are Millennials entitled to be spoiled brats? Maybe. They are also well-educated brats who are revolutionising technology and generating billion-dollar start-ups, which are transforming the workforce as we know it.

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