Felda Members A Significant Force In Determining Country’s Political Landscape: Ahmad Shabery

Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) folk plays a major role in shaping the country’s political landscape and future, said its chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

The former Kemaman member of Parliament said that with over 3 million people, including its staff, settlers, and their family members, the group is fairly significant in terms of its political impact.

“There are 54 parliamentary constituencies with Felda settlements that must be regarded as being able to change the landscape of any government in the country,” he said.

Therefore, he stressed that the Felda folk needs a government that always strives to protect their welfare and interests as what the Unity Government is doing now.

“This is actually a three-way relationship between the settlers, Felda and the government which must go hand in hand because of the great potential that must be fought for,” he said.

In the meantime, Ahmad Shabery suggested that settlers who have extra land cultivate alternative crops such as Musang King durian to generate additional income. According to him, he had come up with the idea in 2018, when he was Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister, with the Felda Neram 1 area here being the pioneer and 600 trees planted.

“Durian cultivation can be commercialised because of its high value. I will discuss the matter with the relevant parties first,” he said.

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